Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Very Much Alike

As stated in previous posts, a great friend of mine, Becky Sykes, and myself are SOOO similar in all our ways. We are so much alike...we should have been identical twins I think. Everyone thinks we are sisters and sometimes even mistake one for the other. It is quite funny. Check out Becky's Blog.

Now that we both have little ones, we have even found ourselves dressing our boys alike. It is so so funny how much we think alike and have the same taste in things...outfits in these pictures.
Eli and Jacob have on almost the very same easter outfit (Eli - 2008; Jacob - 2009)
Jacob and Aiden...again wearing almost the same outfits just different colors.
Plaid Overalls with polo shirts

1 comment:

Jason & Becky said...

I really think we were separated at birth! :)